There are many conferences and conventions in North America that feature events specifically for designers. There are also online communities including forums, Discord groups, and others that give designers an opportunity to learn from each other and share their experience.

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Conventions and conferences

Name Location Description
Proto ATL Atlanta, GA Design and Playtesting
BGG.Con Dallas, TX General gaming con with design events run by Unpub.
Game Developers Conference San Francisco, CA Panels and Talks
GAMA Expo Louisville, KY Designer Day, Playtesting
Game Developers Conference San Francisco, CA Panels and Talks
Gencon Indianapolis, IN First Exposure Hall features playtesting and other designer events
Metatopia Morristown, NJ Playtesting and design seminars
Origins Columbus, OH General gaming con with design events run by Unpub.
PAX Unplugged Philadelphia, PA General gaming con with design events run by Unpub.
ProtoCon Utah West Valley, UT Design and Playtesting
Protospiel Various Playtesting and design seminars
Tabletop Network Dallas, TX Design Conference before BGG.CON
Unpub Prime Baltimore, MD Playtesting and design seminars

National Organizations

online communities

Name Type
BGG Designer Forum Forum
BGG Tabletop Designer Guild Forum
Board Game Designers Forum Forum
Break My Game Online/In-person Playtesting
Game Makers Guild Online/In-person Playtesting
/r/TabletopGameDesign Reddit Forum
Tabletop Game Designers Guild Facebook
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