Putting a designer’s name on the box is now fairly standard among “hobby” publishers, thanks to the work of the German game designer’s organization,
Spiele-Autoren-Zunft (SAZ). It is still much less common for mass market games. No matter the market, don’t just assume that it will be done — specify that you want your name on the box and in the rules.
DESIGNER is entitled to be credited as the designer of GAME. DESIGNER will inform PUBLISHER what name they wish to use for these credits.
PUBLISHER shall affix the name of DESIGNER on the top of the box and in the Rules of GAME in a clearly legible manner on each reproduced item covered by the Agreement. The author's name will also appear in marketing materials and on the publisher's website.
If there are additional parties who are also entitled to a Design credit, the credit will appear as Design by X & Y; where the names and order of X & Y will be mutually agreeable to PUBLISHER, DESIGNER and the third party.
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