SigninG a Publishing Contract

7C. Art and graphic design

Almost always, the publisher keeps ownership of art and graphic design that they commissioned for a game, even after the contract is terminated. If you want to republish with another publisher after the rights revert to you, the new publisher will need to create their own artwork. The publisher may include clauses to this effect in your contract.

Insofar as other rights which are not based on GAME itself (e.g. illustrations, design of game pieces) have been created by PUBLISHER or third parties during the course of the implementation of GAME, these rights shall remain with PUBLISHER or their authors after termination – this also applies to all production documents and tools.

If you are signing a game that already has art that you made or commissioned, be sure to read this section carefully and make sure that the language is specific to art created or commissioned by the publisher. Avoid any clause allowing the publisher to keep your art, and proactively include language making sure the rights to your art will revert to you.

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